La recherche du mot fresta a 4 plusieurs résultats
PT Portugais FR Français
fresta (v n) [physical space that opens up in something or between two things] espace (v n) {m} [physical space that opens up in something or between two things]
fresta (n) [narrow crack] fissure (n) {f} [narrow crack]
fresta (n v adj) [narrow opening] fissure (n v adj) {f} [narrow opening]
fresta (v n) [physical space that opens up in something or between two things] ouverture (v n) {f} [physical space that opens up in something or between two things]

Portugais Français traductions

PT Synonymes pour fresta FR Traductions
fenda [brecha] f szczelina {f}
buraco [brecha] m ucho {n}
racha [brecha] f szparka (n v adj)