La recherche du mot ouverture a 15 plusieurs résultats
FR Français PT Portugais
ouverture (n) [magasin] {f} inauguração (n) {f} [magasin]
ouverture (n) [mur] {f} inauguração (n) {f} [mur]
ouverture (n) [trou] {f} inauguração (n) {f} [trou]
ouverture (n) [magasin] {f} abertura (n) {f} [magasin]
ouverture (n) [mur] {f} abertura (n) {f} [mur]
FR Français PT Portugais
ouverture (n) [musique] {f} abertura (n) {f} [musique]
ouverture (n) [trou] {f} abertura (n) {f} [trou]
ouverture (n) [magasin] {f} buraco (n) {m} [magasin]
ouverture (n) [mur] {f} buraco (n) {m} [mur]
ouverture (n) [trou] {f} buraco (n) {m} [trou]
ouverture (v n) [physical space that opens up in something or between two things] {f} fenda (v n) {f} [physical space that opens up in something or between two things]
ouverture (n) [magasin] {f} orifício (n) {m} [magasin]
ouverture (n) [mur] {f} orifício (n) {m} [mur]
ouverture (n) [trou] {f} orifício (n) {m} [trou]
ouverture (v n) [physical space that opens up in something or between two things] {f} fresta (v n) [physical space that opens up in something or between two things]
FR Synonymes pour ouverture PT Traductions
abord [lieu] m via de acesso {f}
approche [lieu] f acesso {m}
entrée [lieu] f entrada {f}
accueil [lieu] m recepção {f}
chemin [lieu] m via {f}
voie [lieu] f via {f}
accès [lieu] m entrada {f}
commencement [déclenchement] m gerador {m}
démarche [approche] f porte
offre [approche] f fornecimento {m}
rapprochement [approche] m aproximação {f}
orifice [entrée] m abertura {f}
bouche [entrée] f boca {f}
communication [aveu] f conexão {f}
secret [aveu] m secreto
information [aveu] f informação {f}
confidence [aveu] f confidência {f}
fissure [fente] f defeito {m}
cavité [fente] f cavidade {f}
déchirure [fente] f buraco {m}