La recherche du mot malédiction a 7 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
malédiction {f} curse
malédiction (n) [destin] {f} curse (n) [destin]
malédiction (n) [gros mot] {f} curse (n) [gros mot]
malédiction (n v) [prayer that harm may befall someone] {f} curse (n v) [prayer that harm may befall someone]
malédiction (n) [gros mot] {f} malediction (n) [gros mot] (formal)
malédiction (n) [destin] {f} doom (n) [destin]
malédiction (n) [action] {f} imprecation (n) [action] (formal)
FR Synonymes pour malédiction EN Traductions
exécration [excommunication] f execration
réprobation [excommunication] f disapprobation
imprécation [excommunication] f imprecation (formal)
anathème [excommunication] m anathema
attaque [accusation] f attack
blâme [accusation] m talking to (informal)
désapprobation [accusation] f disapproval
critique [accusation] m criticism
condamnation [accusation] f condemnation
supplice [peine] m suffering
torture [peine] f suffering
tourment [peine] m torment
châtiment [peine] m comeuppance
adversité [catastrophe] f adversity
calamité [catastrophe] f fatality
désastre [catastrophe] m disaster
fatalité [catastrophe] foredoom
blasphème [anathème] m blasphemy
malchance [fatalité] f bad luck
malheur [fatalité] m woe (literature)