La recherche du mot condemnation a 3 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
condemnation (n) [act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong] condamnation (n) {f} [act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong]
condemnation (n) [disapproval] condamnation (n) {f} [disapproval]
condemnation (n) [law] condamnation (n) {f} [law]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour condemnation FR Traductions
affront [insult] verontwaardigen
detraction [insult] aantasting {f}
censure [insult] afkeuring {f}
defamation [insult] belastering {f}
abuse [insult] misbruik {n}
reproach [speech] schaamte {f}
denunciation [speech] aanklacht {m}
criticism [speech] kritiek {f}
opprobrium [speech] (formal publiek schandaal {n}
reproof [speech] reprimande (m/f (formal))
blame [speech] wijten
disapproval [blame] ongenoegen {n}
disapprobation [blame] veroordeling {f}
admonition [disapproval] (formal berisping {f}
reflection [disapproval] spiegelbeeld {n}
remonstrance [disapproval] (formal verwijt {n}
penalty [proof of guilt] straf {m}
sentence [proof of guilt] frase {f}
conviction [proof of guilt] overtuiging {f}
malediction [curse] (formal verwensing {f}