La recherche du mot émotion a 5 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
émotion (adj n) [emotion] {f} feeling (adj n) [emotion]
émotion (n) [person's internal state of being] {f} emotion (n) [person's internal state of being]
émotion (n) [sentiments] {f} emotion (n) [sentiments]
émotion (n) [sentiments] {f} poignancy (n) [sentiments] (formal)
émotion (n) [état mental] {f} feelings (n) [état mental]
FR Synonymes pour émotion EN Traductions
trouble [agitation] m trouble
désarroi [agitation] dismay
inquiétude [agitation] f trepidation (formal)
peur [agitation] f fear
panique [agitation] f panic
terreur [agitation] f terrorcore (n)
effroi [agitation] m fright
tracas [trouble] m vexation (formal)
turbulence [trouble] f turbulence
excitation [trouble] f excitement
fluctuation [trouble] f fluctuation
perturbation [trouble] f disarrangement
émeute [trouble] f riots
émoi [trouble] m fuss
effervescence [trouble] f effervescence
faction [trouble] faction
fermentation [trouble] f fermentation
agitation [trouble] f unrest
appréhension [effroi] f trepidation (formal)
crainte [effroi] f fear