La recherche du mot feeling a 13 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
feeling (n) [thought] vue (n) {f} [thought]
feeling (n) [thought] disposition (n) {f} [thought]
feeling (n) [thought] attitude (n) {f} [thought]
feeling (n) [thought] opinion (n) {f} [thought]
feeling (n) [intuition] sensation (n) {f} [intuition]
feeling (n) [physical sensation] sensation (n) {f} [physical sensation]
feeling (n) [physiology] sensation (n) {f} [physiology]
feeling (n) [thought] idée (n) {f} [thought]
feeling (adj n) [emotion] émotion (adj n) {f} [emotion]
feeling (adj n) [emotion] sentiment (adj n) {m} [emotion]
feeling (n) [intuition] sentiment (n) {m} [intuition]
feeling (n) [mental condition] sentiment (n) {m} [mental condition]
feeling (n) [physical sensation] sentiment (n) {m} [physical sensation]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour feeling FR Traductions
experience [encountering] अनुभव {m} (anubhav)
consideration [belief] सोच-विचार
opinion [belief] विचार {m} (vicār)
thought [opinion] विचार {m} (vicār)
awake [aware] जागना (jāgnā)
emotion [ardour] भावना {f} (bhāvnā)
skill [ability] निपुणता {f} (nipuṇtā)
touch [ability] छूना (chūnā)
breast [seat of passion] स्तन
soul [seat of passion] आत्मा {f} (ātmā)
heart [seat of passion] दिल {m} (dil)