La recherche du mot fouetter a 15 plusieurs résultats
FR Français IT Italien
fouetter (v) [mer] sbattere contro (v) [mer]
fouetter (v) [mer] infrangersi contro (v) [mer]
fouetter (v) [mer] battere violentemente contro (v) [mer]
fouetter (v) [rouer de coups] picchiare (v) [rouer de coups]
fouetter (n v) [to hit with a switch (''rod'')] picchiare (n v) [to hit with a switch (''rod'')]
FR Français IT Italien
fouetter (v) [rouer de coups] bastonare (v) [rouer de coups]
fouetter (v) [punition] frustare (v) [punition]
fouetter (v) [to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment] frustare (v) [to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment]
fouetter (n v) [to hit with a whip] sferzare (n v) [to hit with a whip]
fouetter (v) [to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment] flagellare (v) [to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment]
fouetter (v) [flageller] fustigare (v) [flageller]
fouetter (v) [punition] fustigare (v) [punition]
fouetter (v) [pluie] sferzarsi contro (v) [pluie]
fouetter (v) [pluie] battere violentemente su (v) [pluie]
fouetter (v) [flageller] vergare (v) [flageller]