La recherche du mot échappatoire a 6 plusieurs résultats
FR Français ES Espagnol
échappatoire (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] {f} escape (v n) {m} [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation]
échappatoire (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] {f} fuga (v n) {f} [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation]
échappatoire (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] {f} liberación (v n) {f} [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation]
échappatoire (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] {f} escapada (v n) {f} [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation]
échappatoire (n) [tromperie] {f} escapatoria (n) {f} [tromperie]
FR Français ES Espagnol
échappatoire (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] {f} escapatorio (v n) [act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation] (v n)
FR Synonymes pour échappatoire ES Traductions
subterfuge [prétexte] m subterfugio {m}
excuse [prétexte] f excusa {f}
expédient [prétexte] m timo {m}
faux-fuyant [prétexte] m tergiversación {f}
fuite [prétexte] f huida
sortie [prétexte] f partida {f}
moyen [artifice] m artificio {m}
truc [artifice] m aparato {m}
ressource [artifice] f medio {m}
tour [artifice] m ciclo {m}
intrigue [artifice] f amorío {m}
ruse [artifice] f astucia {f}
stratagème [artifice] m estratagema {m}
palliatif [artifice] m paliativo {m}
mesure [artifice] f extensión {f}
prétexte [excuse] m excusa {f}
atermoiement [excuse] m elusividad {f}
issue [solution] f desagüe {m}
détour [entortillage] m circunvención {f}
embarras [entortillage] m roche (n)