La recherche du mot texture a 10 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
texture (n v) [art: quality produced by interaction of elements] {f} texture (n v) [art: quality produced by interaction of elements]
texture (n) [minéralogie] {f} texture (n) [minéralogie]
texture (n) [peau] {f} texture (n) [peau]
FR Synonymes pour texture EN Traductions
nature [forme] f tạo hóa
composition [forme] f thành phần (n)
structure [forme] f cấu trúc (n v)
complexion [forme] f nước da (n)
constitution [forme] f hiến pháp
organisation [arrangement] f xô viết
réseau [entrelacs] m mạng (n proper v)
tissu [contexture] m vải vóc (n)
EN Anglais FR Français
texture (n v) [art: quality produced by interaction of elements] texture (n v) {f} [art: quality produced by interaction of elements]
texture (n) [mineralogy] texture (n) {f} [mineralogy]
texture (n) [skin] texture (n) {f} [skin]
texture (n) [skin] grain (n) {m} [skin]
texture (n) [wood] grain (n) {m} [wood]
texture (n) [mineralogy] structure (n) {f} [mineralogy]
texture (n) [textiles] contexture (n) {f} [textiles]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour texture FR Traductions
hardness [coherence] dureza {f}
softness [coherence] suavidad {f}
density [coherence] densidad {f}
firmness [coherence] firmeza {f}
viscosity [coherence] viscosidad
flexibility [coherence] flexibilidad {f}
consistency [coherence] consistencia {f}
fibre [thing] fibra {f}
fabric [thing] tejido {m}
nap [thing] siesta {f}
warp [thing] urdimbre
woof [thing] guau
grain [thing] grano {m}
pile [textured surface] jarcia {f}
shag [textured surface] cormorán moñudo {m}
roughness [textured surface] aspereza {f}
smoothness [textured surface] pulimento {m}
feel [textured surface] caricia {f}
design [pattern] propósito {m}
knitting [pattern] tejido de punto {m}