La recherche du mot satisfaction a 15 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
satisfaction (n) [contentement] {f} satisfaction (n) [contentement]
satisfaction (n) [fulfillment of a need or desire] {f} satisfaction (n) [fulfillment of a need or desire]
satisfaction (n) [général] {f} satisfaction (n) [général]
satisfaction (n) [sentiments] {f} satisfaction (n) [sentiments]
satisfaction (n) [général] {f} gratification (n) [général]
FR Français EN Anglais
satisfaction (n) [state of being fulfilled] {f} fulfillment (n) [state of being fulfilled]
satisfaction (n) [being fulfilled] {f} fulfilment (n) [being fulfilled]
satisfaction (n) [contentement] {f} contentment (n) [contentement]
satisfaction (n) [contentement] {f} contentedness (n) [contentement]
FR Synonymes pour satisfaction EN Traductions
bien-être [bonheur] m benessere {m}
contentement [bonheur] m contentezza {f}
euphorie [bonheur] f euforia {f}
extase [bonheur] f estasi {f}
félicité [bonheur] f felicità {f}
plaisir [bonheur] m piacere {m}
quiétude [bonheur] f disponibilità {f}
béatitude [bonheur] f beatitudine {f}
bonheur [euphorie] m felicità {f}
sérénité [euphorie] f serenità {f}
jouissance [euphorie] f godimento {m}
joie [émotion] f allegria {f}
ravissement [émotion] m diletto {m}
enchantement [émotion] m malia {f}
consolation [dédommagement] f conforto {m}
apaisement [état mental] m appeasement {m}
aise [bien-être] f allegria {f}
optimisme [bien-être] m ottimismo {m}
détente [bien-être] f riposo {m}
soulagement [bien-être] m sollievo {m}
EN Anglais FR Français
satisfaction (n) [contentment] satisfaction (n) {f} [contentment]
satisfaction (n) [feelings] satisfaction (n) {f} [feelings]
satisfaction (n) [fulfillment of a need or desire] satisfaction (n) {f} [fulfillment of a need or desire]
satisfaction (n) [general] satisfaction (n) {f} [general]
satisfaction (n) [contentment] contentement (n) {m} [contentment]
satisfaction (n) [feelings] contentement (n) {m} [feelings]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour satisfaction FR Traductions
gratification [compensation] gratificação {f}
atonement [compensation] expiação {f}
amends [compensation] reparos (n)
settlement [compensation] solução {f}
recompense [compensation] (formal recompensaredondar
remuneration [compensation] (formal remuneração {f}
restitution [compensation] restituição {f}
happiness [contentment] felicidade {f}
complacency [contentment] desvanecimento
relief [contentment] substituto {m}
comfort [contentment] consolo {m}
joy [contentment] alegremente
compassion [consolation] compaixão {f}
encouragement [consolation] estímulo {m}
solace [consolation] (literature consolo {m}
condolence [consolation] pêsame {m}
redress [atonement] (formal reparação {f}
damages [atonement] (law satisfação {f}
retribution [atonement] (formal retribuição {f}
consideration [atonement] interesse {m}