La recherche du mot compassion a 13 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
compassion (n) [sentiments] {f} sympathy (n) [sentiments]
compassion {f} pity
compassion (n) [sentiments] {f} pity (n) [sentiments]
compassion (n) [sentiments] {f} commiseration (n) [sentiments]
compassion (n) [deep awareness of the suffering of another] {f} compassion (n) [deep awareness of the suffering of another]
FR Français EN Anglais
compassion (n) [sentiments] {f} compassion (n) [sentiments]
compassion {f} compassion
EN Anglais FR Français
compassion (n) [feelings] commisération (n) {f} [feelings]
compassion compassion {f}
compassion (n) [deep awareness of the suffering of another] compassion (n) {f} [deep awareness of the suffering of another]
compassion (n) [feelings] compassion (n) {f} [feelings]
compassion (n) [feelings] pitié (n) {f} [feelings]
compassion (n) [feelings] apitoiement (n) {m} [feelings]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour compassion FR Traductions
concern [thoughtfulness] sorg
regard [thoughtfulness] se på
consideration [thoughtfulness] overvejelse
solace [consolation] (literature trøst (n v)
comfort [consolation] trøste
sweetness [benevolence] sødme
pity [feeling] medlidenhed (n)
understanding [empathy] forhold
consolation [comfort] trøst (n v)