La recherche du mot perspective a 12 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
perspective (n) [fenêtre] {f} view (n) [fenêtre]
perspective (n) [avenir] {f} outlook (n) [avenir]
perspective (n) [avenir] {f} prospect (n) [avenir]
perspective (n) [espérance] {f} prospect (n) [espérance]
perspective (n) [espérance] {f} expectation (n) [espérance]
FR Français EN Anglais
perspective (n) [espérance] {f} anticipation (n) [espérance]
perspective (n) [art] {f} perspective (n) [art]
perspective (n) [art] {f} picture in perspective (n) [art]
EN Anglais FR Français
perspective (n) [art] perspective (n) {f} [art]
perspective (n) [matter] point de vue (n) {m} [matter]
perspective (n) [matter] angle (n) {m} [matter]
perspective (n) [art] dessin en perspective (n) {m} [art]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour perspective FR Traductions
viewpoint [point of view] stanovisko
outlook [point of view] názor {m}
slant [point of view] svah
point [point of view] cíp hvězdy
standpoint [point of view] stanovisko
position [point of view] poloha
angle [point of view] udice
scenery [panorama] kulisy (n)
view [panorama] mínění
scene [panorama] kulisy (n)
vista [panorama] vyhlídka
spectacle [panorama] atrakce
countryside [panorama] krajina
landscape [panorama] krajinomalba
stand [viewpoint] vystát
attitude [viewpoint] držení těla
bias [viewpoint] vliv
aspect [opinion] aspekt
point of view [opinion] úhel pohledu
approach [opinion] oslovit