La recherche du mot add the finishing touches to a 3 plusieurs résultats

EN FR Traductions pour add

add (v) [mathematics] additionner (v) [mathematics]
add (v) [conversation] ajouter (v) [conversation]
add (v) [general] ajouter (v) [general]
add (v) [size] ajouter (v) [size]
add (v n) [to append, as a statement] ajouter (v n) [to append, as a statement]
add summata
add additionner

EN FR Traductions pour the

the le
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] le (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']
the (o) [definite article] le (o) [definite article]
the (o) [definite article] la (o) [definite article]
the (o) [definite article] les (o) [definite article]
the la
the les

EN FR Traductions pour finishing

finishing (a) [concluding] final (a) [concluding]
finishing (a) [concluding] dernier (a) {m} [concluding]
finishing (a) [concluding] ultime (a) [concluding]

EN FR Traductions pour to

to (o) [general] de (o) [general]
to (o) [direction] sur (o) [direction]
to (o) [general] concernant (o) [general]
to (o) [general] en ce qui concerne (o) [general]
to (o) [general] à propos de (o) [general]
to (o) [general] au sujet de (o) [general]
to (o) [reaching as far as] jusqu'à (o) [reaching as far as]
to (o) [until and including] jusqu'à (o) [until and including]
to (o) [reaching as far as] jusque (o) [reaching as far as]
to (o) [reaching as far as] jusqu'aux (o) [reaching as far as]