Français Anglais
starlet starlet
starlette starlet
Starman Starman
Starnberg Starnberg
Starobielsk Starobilsk
StarOffice StarOffice
Staroste Starosta
Starrcade Starrcade
Starrkirch-Wil Starrkirch-Wil
Stars de Dallas Dallas Stars
Starsem Starsem
Starship Titanic Starship Titanic
Starship Troopers Starship Troopers
starter starter
starting-block starting block
starting-gate starting gate
Stary Oskol Stary Oskol
Starčevo Starčevo
Stasi Stasi
Stasinos Stasinus
STAT STAT protein
Statare Statare
State Farm Insurance State Farm Insurance
State Grid Corporation State Grid Corporation of China
Stateira Stateira II
Staten Island Staten Island
Statfjord Statfjord oil field
Stathérien Statherian
Static Choc Static Shock
Static Random Access Memory Static random access memory
station stand
station climatique spa
station d'accueil docking station
station d'essence gas station
station d'épuration purification plant
station de lavage automatique car wash
station de montagne mountain resort
Station de radioastronomie de Nançay Nançay Radio Telescope
station de référence de surveillance baseline monitoring
station de ski ski resort
Station de stockage et de déchargement flottante Floating storage and offloading unit
station de surveillance monitoring station
station de taxi taxi stand
station de taxis taxi stand
station de tramway tram stop
station de télévision television station
Station debout Upright posture
station hydraulique waterworks
station météorologique weather station
station orbitale space station
Station radio de Grimeton Grimeton VLF transmitter
station spatiale space station