Français Anglais
APA style APA style
Apach Apach
Apache Apache
Apache Ant Apache Ant
Apache Geronimo Geronimo Application Server
Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server
Apache Jakarta Jakarta Project
Apache Maven Apache Maven
apache occidental Western Apache
Apache Struts Apache Struts
Apache Tomcat Apache Tomcat
Apache Velocity Apache Velocity
Apaches Apache
Apahida Apahida
apaisant conciliatory
apaisement abatement
apaiser calm down
Apal Apal
Apalaches Apalachee
apalachine appalachian tea
Apalone spinifera Spiny Softshell Turtle
Apama Apama
Apamée Apamea
Apanage de Attribute of
Apanuugak Apanuugak
Aparan Aparan
Aparecido César César Aparecido Rodrigues
apartheid apartheid
Apartheid linguistique History of South Africa in the Apartheid era
Apata Apata
Apataki Apataki
apathie apathy
apathique torpid
apathiquement apathetically
Apatin Apatin
Apatite Apatite
Apatity Apatity
apatride stateless
Apaturies Apaturia
Apaté Apate
Apavatn Apavatn
APE Piaggio Piaggio Ape
Apeiron Apeiron
Apeldoorn Apeldoorn
Apelle Apelles
Apendicite Appendicitis
Apennins Apennine Mountains
apercevoir sight
Apercevoir de Parry
Apercevoir qqn Face
aperçu survey
Aperçu avant impression Side-face
apesanteur weightless
apeuré frightened
apex apex
APEX Aviation Apex Aircraft
Aphaia Aphaea
Aphakie Aphakia
Aphanite Aphanite
Aphanius corse Mediterranean killifish
Aphanomyces astaci Crayfish plague
Aphareus Aphareus
aphasie aphasia
Aphelandra Aphelandra
Aphex Twin Aphex Twin
Aphididae Aphididae
aphis aphis
Aphloiaceae Aphloiaceae
Aphodiinae Aphodiinae
aphone voiceless
aphorisme aphorism
aphrodisiaque aphrodisiac
Aphrodisias Aphrodisias
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Aphrodite de Cnide Aphrodite of Cnidus
Aphte Mouth ulcer
Aphyllanthaceae Aphyllanthaceae
aphylle aphyllous
Aphyllophorales Polyporales
Apia Apia
Apiaceae Apiaceae
Apiales Apiales
Apicole Bee
Apicomplexa Apicomplexa
apiculteur beekeeper
apicultrice beekeeper
apiculture apiculture
Apidae Apidae
Apinae Apinae
Apion Apion
Apirou Habiru
Apis cerana Apis cerana
Apis dorsata Apis dorsata
Apis mellifera Western honey bee
Apis mellifera mellifera European dark bee
Apisai Ielemia Apisai Ielemia
Apistogramma Apistogramma
Apistogramma cacatuoides Apistogramma cacatuoides
Apistogrammoides Apistogrammoides
apitoiement sympathy
apitoiement sur soi-même self-pity
apitoyant pitiful
Aplacophora Aplacophora
aplanir hammer out
Aplanir avec un rouleau Force
Aplanissement Equation
Aplasie Aplasia
aplatir flatten
Aplite Aplite
Aploactinidae Velvetfish
Aplochitoninae Aplochitonidae
aplomb aplomb
Aplysie Aplysia
APNIC Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre
apnée free-diving
apnée du sommeil sleep apnea
Apo Lazaridès Apo Lazarides
APO Levadiakos Levadiakos
Apocalypse Apocalypse
Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now
apocalyptique apocalyptic
Apocalypto Apocalypto
Apocatastase Apocatastasis
Apocentre Apocenter
apocin apocynum
Apocrita Apocrita
apocryphe apocryphal
Apocryphes Apocrypha
apocyn apocynum
apocyn gobemouches dog-bane
Apocynaceae Apocynaceae
Apodemus argenteus Small Japanese Field Mouse
Apodemus draco South China Field Mouse
Apodiformes Apodiformes
Apodisation Apodization
Apodyterium Apodyterium
Apoenzyme Apoenzyme
Apogonidae Apogonidae
apogée top