La recherche du mot BY a 6 plusieurs résultats
SV Suédois FR Français
by (n v) [a strong, abrupt rush of wind] (u) souffle (n v) {m} [a strong, abrupt rush of wind]
by (n v) [a strong, abrupt rush of wind] (u) coup de vent (n v) {m} [a strong, abrupt rush of wind]
by (n v) [a strong, abrupt rush of wind] (u) rafale (n v) {f} [a strong, abrupt rush of wind]
by (u) village {m}
by (n) [a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town] (u) village (n) {m} [a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town]
by (n v) [a strong, abrupt rush of wind] (u) bourrasque (n v) [a strong, abrupt rush of wind]

Suédois Français traductions

SV Synonymes pour by FR Traductions
ställe [plats] n zone {f}
samhälle [plats] n communauté {f}
stad [plats] (u cité {f}
trakt [plats] (u environs (mp)
grannskap [plats] n environs (mp)
region [plats] (u région {f}
distrikt [plats] n district {m}
provins [plats] (u province {f}
gebit [plats] (u sphère {f}
tätort [kommun] villotte (n)
förstad [kommun] (u faubourg {m}
skydrag [stormby] n trombe {f}
skur [stormby] (u explosion {f}
skyfall [stormby] (u averse {f}
väder [blåst] n intempéries (n v)
luftdrag [blåst] n courant d'air {m}
fläkt [blåst] (u ventilateur {m}
sus [blåst] n bruissement {m}
stormby [blåst] ligne de grains (n v)
vind [blåst] (u vent {m}