La recherche du mot cracher a 10 plusieurs résultats
FR Français RU Russe
cracher плевать (vi)
cracher (v n) [to eject forcibly and in a stream] изрыга́ть (v n) [to eject forcibly and in a stream] (v n)
cracher (v n) [to eject forcibly and in a stream] изверга́ть (v n) [to eject forcibly and in a stream] (v n)
cracher (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] плева́ть (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] (n v)
cracher (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] плю́нуть (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] (n v)
FR Français RU Russe
cracher (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] наплева́ть (n v) [to evacuate saliva from the mouth] (n v)
cracher (v) [to expel by coughing] отка́шливать (v) [to expel by coughing] (v)
cracher (v) [to pay money] выкла́дывать (v) [to pay money] (v)
cracher (v) [to pay money] вы́ложить (v) [to pay money] (v)
cracher плюнуть (vi)
FR Synonymes pour cracher RU Traductions
écumer [saliver] espumar
baver [saliver] salivar
saliver [expectorer] salivar
insulter [mépriser] difamar
calomnier [mépriser] caluniar
éructer [exhaler] arrotar
blasphémer [exhaler] blasfemar
vomir [exhaler] chamar o hugo (n v)
proférer [exhaler] pronunciar