La recherche du mot modification a 13 plusieurs résultats
FR Français NL Néerlandais
modification (n) [politique] {f} amendement (n) {n} [politique]
modification (n v) [a change to the text of a document] {f} wijziging (n v) {f} [a change to the text of a document]
modification (n) [général] {f} wijziging (n) {f} [général]
modification {f} verandering {f}
modification (n) [général] {f} verandering (n) {f} [général]
modification (n v) [the process of becoming different] {f} verandering (n v) {f} [the process of becoming different]
modification (n v) [a change to the text of a document] {f} aanpassing (n v) {f} [a change to the text of a document]
modification (n) [général] {f} aanpassing (n) {f} [général]
modification (n v) [the process of becoming different] {f} aanpassing (n v) {f} [the process of becoming different]
modification (n) [changement] {f} omschakeling (n) {f} [changement]
modification (n v) [a change to the text of a document] {f} bewerking (n v) {f} [a change to the text of a document]
modification (n) [changed edition] {f} herziening (n) {f} [changed edition]
modification {f} aanpassing {f}
FR Synonymes pour modification NL Traductions
changement [réforme] m aanpassing {f}
correction [réforme] f bewerking {f}
amendement [réforme] m amendement {n}
rectification [amendement] f correctie {f}
réforme [amendement] f hervorming {f}
reprise [changement] f cover
retouche [changement] f bijstelling {f}
évolution [transformation] f evolutie {f}
mutation [transformation] f aanpassing {f}
métamorphose [transformation] f gedaanteverwisseling {f}
révision [effet] f herziening {f}
remaniement [effet] m herschikking {f}
variation [mouvement] f variatie {f}
innovation [mouvement] f vernieuwing {f}
réorganisation [révision] f reorganisatie {f}
révolution [innovation] f revolutie {f}