La recherche du mot ossature a 7 plusieurs résultats
FR Français IT Italien
ossature (v n) [structural elements of a building or other constructed object] {f} armatura (v n) {f} [structural elements of a building or other constructed object]
ossature (v n) [structural elements of a building or other constructed object] {f} telaio (v n) {m} [structural elements of a building or other constructed object]
ossature (v n) [structural elements of a building or other constructed object] {f} impalcatura (v n) {f} [structural elements of a building or other constructed object]
ossature (n) [anatomie] {f} ossatura (n) {f} [anatomie]
ossature (v n) [structure of a person's body] {f} ossatura (v n) {f} [structure of a person's body]
ossature (v n) [structure of a person's body] {f} scheletro (v n) {m} [structure of a person's body]
ossature (v n) [structural elements of a building or other constructed object] {f} incastellatura (v n) [structural elements of a building or other constructed object]
FR Synonymes pour ossature IT Traductions
fondation [base] f основа
soutien [base] m подставка (n v)
support [base] m подставка (n v)
carcasse [base] f леш (n)
garniture [base] f гарнитура (v n)
os [squelette] m кокал {m} (kókal)
squelette [corps humain] m скеле́т (n v)
architecture [corps humain] f Архитектура
membrure [ossature] греда́ (n int)
pan [mur] m па (n v adv int)
régime [politique] m дие́та (n v)
structure [politique] f постро́йка (n)