La recherche du mot former a 23 plusieurs résultats
FR Français IT Italien
former (n v) [to give shape] formare (n v) [to give shape]
former (v) [objets] foggiare (v) [objets]
former (v) [constituer] foggiare (v) [constituer]
former (v) [caractère] foggiare (v) [caractère]
former (v) [objets] plasmare (v) [objets]
former (v) [constituer] plasmare (v) [constituer]
former (v) [caractère] plasmare (v) [caractère]
former (n v) [to give something a] modellare (n v) [to give something a]
former (v) [objets] costituire (v) [objets]
former (v) [général] costituire (v) [général]
former (v) [constituer] costituire (v) [constituer]
former (v) [caractère] costituire (v) [caractère]
former (v) [éducation] preparare (v) [éducation]
former (n v) [to constitute, to compose] formare (n v) [to constitute, to compose]
former (v) [objets] formare (v) [objets]
former (v) [général] formare (v) [général]
former (v) [constituer] formare (v) [constituer]
former (v) [caractère] formare (v) [caractère]
former (n v) [(linguistics) to create a word] formare (n v) [(linguistics) to create a word]
former (v) [objets] comporre (v) [objets]
former (v) [constituer] comporre (v) [constituer]
former (v) [caractère] comporre (v) [caractère]
former (v) [éducation] istruire (v) [éducation]
FR Synonymes pour former IT Traductions
adoucir [rendre souple] csillapít (v)
soumettre [rendre souple] bead (v)
régler [fait] megfejt (v n)
affecter [fait] kinevez
imaginer [créer] feltesz
concevoir [créer] teherbe esik (v)
fabriquer [forme] kiagyal (v)
créer [forme] létrehoz
élever [état mental] köbre emel (n v)
souligner [accuser] hangsúlyoz (v)
indiquer [accuser] közöl (n v)
montrer [accuser] megmutat
dessiner [accuser] rajzol
éclairer [enseigner] felvilágosít (v)
enseigner [savoir] tanít
gouverner [savoir] uralkodik (n v)
réaliser [préparer] rájön (v)
faire [préparer] bókol (n v)
travailler [préparer] dolgozik (n v)
établir [fonder] kiderít