La recherche du mot variable a 46 plusieurs résultats
FR Français ES Espagnol
variable (a) [changement] {f} inconstante (a) [changement]
variable (a) [temps] {f} alterable (a) [temps]
variable (a) [général] {f} alterable (a) [général]
variable (a) [changement] {f} alterable (a) [changement]
variable (a) [temps] {f} mudable (a) [temps]
FR Français ES Espagnol
variable (a) [général] {f} mudable (a) [général]
variable (a) [changement] {f} mudable (a) [changement]
variable (a) [temps] {f} cambiadizo (a) [temps]
variable (a) [général] {f} cambiadizo (a) [général]
variable (a) [changement] {f} cambiadizo (a) [changement]
variable (a) [général] {f} fluctuante (a) [général]
variable (a) [temps] {f} inconstante (a) [temps]
variable (a) [général] {f} inconstante (a) [général]
variable (a) [différent] {f} variante (a) {f} [différent]
variable (a) [temps] {f} cambiable (a) [temps]
variable (a) [général] {f} cambiable (a) [général]
variable (a) [changement] {f} cambiable (a) [changement]
variable (a) [temps] {f} variable (a) {f} [temps]
variable (adj n) [something that is variable] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [something that is variable]
variable (adj n) [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values]
variable (a) [général] {f} variable (a) {f} [général]
variable (n) [général] {f} variable (n) {f} [général]
variable (a) [différent] {f} variable (a) {f} [différent]
variable (a) [changement] {f} variable (a) {f} [changement]
variable (adj n) [able to vary] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [able to vary]
FR Synonymes pour variable ES Traductions
changeant [irrégulier] pendular (v)
inégal [irrégulier] de desigual calidad
instable [irrégulier] instable (adj)
mobile [irrégulier] m móvil {m}
capricieux [irrégulier] pendular (v)
divers [quantité] diverso
disparate [quantité] variado
hétérogène [quantité] heteróclito
varié [quantité] múltiple {m}
différent [quantité] diferente
interrompu [intermittent] interrumpido
irrégulier [intermittent] inestable
passager [intermittent] m pasajero {m}
incohérent [intermittent] confuso
divisé [intermittent] fragmentado
coupé [intermittent] m cortado
momentané [intermittent] de momento
temporaire [intermittent] transitorio
discontinu [intermittent] discontinua (adj)
hétéroclite [varié] heteróclito
ES Espagnol FR Français
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} instable (a) [tiempo]
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} muable (a) [tiempo]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} muable (a) [cambio]
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} incertain (a) [tiempo]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} incertain (a) [cambio]
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} inconstant (a) [tiempo]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} inconstant (a) [cambio]
variable (adj n) [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values] {f} paramètre (adj n) {m} [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values]
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} changeant (a) [tiempo]
variable (adj) [subject to sudden or frequent changes] {f} changeant (adj) [subject to sudden or frequent changes]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} changeant (a) [cambio]
variable (a) [variante] {f} différent (a) [variante]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} instable (a) [cambio]
variable (a) [artefacto] {f} réglable (a) [artefacto]
variable (a) [variante] {f} variable (a) {f} [variante]
variable (a) [tiempo] {f} variable (a) {f} [tiempo]
variable (adj n) [something that is variable] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [something that is variable]
variable (adj n) [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values]
variable (n) [general] {f} variable (n) {f} [general]
variable (a) [cambio] {f} variable (a) {f} [cambio]
variable (adj n) [able to vary] {f} variable (adj n) {f} [able to vary]

Espagnol Français traductions

ES Synonymes pour variable FR Traductions
alterable [modificable] fickle
inseguro [mudadizo] shaky
inestable [mudadizo] fitful
irregular [mudadizo] fitful
voluble [mudadizo] fickle
veleidoso [mudadizo] freakish
inconstante [mudadizo] fickle
cambiadizo [mudadizo] not steady
interrumpido [intermitente] broken up
detenido [intermitente] m detainee
cortado [intermitente] cutting
desigual [intermitente] uneven
alterno [intermitente] alternate
discontinuo [intermitente] uninterrupted
intermitente [discontinuo] m blinking
raro [discontinuo] weird (formal)
desusado [discontinuo] unwonted
extraño [discontinuo] m extraneous
episódico [discontinuo] episodic
incierto [inestable] aleatory