La recherche du mot image a 23 plusieurs résultats
FR Français ES Espagnol
image (n) [physique] {f} reflexión (n) {f} [physique]
image (v n) [piece of photographic film containing an image] {f} fotograma (v n) [piece of photographic film containing an image]
image (n) [linguistique] {f} metáfora (n) {f} [linguistique]
image (n) [physique] {f} reflejo (n) {m} [physique]
image (n) [miroir] {f} reflejo (n) {m} [miroir]
image (n) [dessin] {f} figura (n) {f} [dessin]
image (v n) [piece of photographic film containing an image] {f} cuadro (v n) {m} [piece of photographic film containing an image]
image (v n) [division of a second] {f} cuadro (v n) {m} [division of a second]
image (n) [télévision] {f} descripción (n) {f} [télévision]
image (n) [général] {f} descripción (n) {f} [général]
image (n) [esprit] {f} descripción (n) {f} [esprit]
image (n) [collection] {f} descripción (n) {f} [collection]
image {f} imagen {f}
image (n) [esprit] {f} impresión (n) {f} [esprit]
image (n) [télévision] {f} cromo (n) {m} [télévision]
image (n) [général] {f} cromo (n) {m} [général]
image (n) [esprit] {f} cromo (n) {m} [esprit]
image (n) [collection] {f} cromo (n) {m} [collection]
image (n) [télévision] {f} imagen (n) {f} [télévision]
image (n) [miroir] {f} imagen (n) {f} [miroir]
image (n) [général] {f} imagen (n) {f} [général]
image (n) [esprit] {f} imagen (n) {f} [esprit]
image (n) [collection] {f} imagen (n) {f} [collection]
FR Synonymes pour image ES Traductions
dehors [apparence] m außerhalb
extérieur [apparence] m Außenbereich {m}
physionomie [apparence] f Gesichtsausdruck {m}
allure [apparence] f Gangart (f)
air [apparence] m Luft {f}
attitude [apparence] f point de vue (n)
démarche [apparence] f Gang {m}
forme [apparence] f Form {f}
façade [apparence] f Frontmann (n adj v)
figure [apparence] f Form {f}
phase [apparence] f Phase {f}
tournure [apparence] f Wendung {f}
aspect [apparence] m Semelfaktiv (adj n)
crucifix [religion] m Kruzifix {n}
croix [religion] f Totenkreuz (n)
statuette [religion] f Figürchen {n}
allégorie [langue] f Sinnbild {n}
allusion [langue] f Andeutung {f}
métaphore [langue] f Metapher {f}
comparaison [langue] f Vergleichbarkeit