La recherche du mot width a 6 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
width (n) [fabrics] largeur (n) {f} [fabrics]
width (n) [measurement of something from side to side] largeur (n) {f} [measurement of something from side to side]
width (n) [measures - weights] largeur (n) {f} [measures - weights]
width (n) [fabrics] (n) {m} [fabrics]
width (n) [measures - weights] large (n) {m} [measures - weights]
width (n) [measures - weights] diamètre (n) {m} [measures - weights]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour width FR Traductions
breadth [amplitude] rozmach {m}
distance [amplitude] dystans {m}
scope [amplitude] zakres {m}
expansion [amplitude] rozszerzanie {n}
space [amplitude] przestrzeń {f}
bore [measurement] nudzić (się)
diameter [measurement] średnica
weight [measurement] ciężar {m}
length [measurement] długość {f}
depth [size] głębokość {f}
girth [size] popręg
spread [size] szerzyć
thickness [size] miąższość {f}
size [measurements] objętość {f}
height [measurements] wysokość {f}