La recherche du mot Web a 10 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
Web World Wide Web
EN Anglais FR Français
web (n proper v) [a continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing] bande (n proper v) {f} [a continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing]
web (n) [spider] toile (n) {f} [spider]
web (n) [pathology] palmature (n) {f} [pathology]
web (n proper v) [a continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing] bobine (n proper v) {f} [a continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing]
web (n) [ornithology - zoology] palmure (n) {f} [ornithology - zoology]
web toile d'araignée {f}
web (n) [spider] toile d'araignée (n) {f} [spider]
web fil d'araignée

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour web FR Traductions
grill [thing] nướng vĩ (v adj n)
cloud [film] mây