La recherche du mot Tribute a 4 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
tribute (n) [acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift] hommage (n) {m} [acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift]
tribute (n) [respect] hommage (n) {m} [respect]
tribute (n) [acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift] tribut (n) {m} [acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift]
tribute (n) [politics] tribut (n) {m} [politics]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour tribute FR Traductions
honour [respect] Ü|en| ære
deference [respect] ærbødighed (n)
esteem [respect] agtelse
praise [commendation] rose
compliment [commendation] kompliment (n v)
tax [cost] skat
duty [cost] tjeneste (n)
custom [cost] sædvane (n adj v)
levy [payment under duress] afgift
payment [payment under duress] betaling
fee [payment under duress] gebyr (n)
compensation [price] belønning
bribe [price] bestikkelse (n v)
token [gift] tegn
present [gift] mødte
approval [recommendation] bifald
certificate [recommendation] attest
glory [fame] pragt (n v)
reputation [fame] rygte
credit [fame] kredit