La recherche du mot through a 14 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
through (a) [finished] (informal) fini (a) {m} [finished]
through (o) [reason] (informal) par suite de (o) [reason]
through (o) [reason] (informal) à cause de (o) [reason]
through (o) [adverb] (informal) par (o) {m} [adverb]
through (o) [means] (informal) par (o) {m} [means]
through (o) [reason] (informal) par (o) {m} [reason]
through (a) [finished] (informal) terminé (a) [finished]
through (o) [time] (informal) la nuit entière (o) [time]
through (o) [time] (informal) jusqu'au bout de la nuit (o) [time]
through (o) [time] (informal) jusqu'à la fin de la nuit (o) [time]
through (o) [general] (informal) sous (o) [general]
through (o) [adverb] (informal) à travers (o) [adverb]
through (o) [general] (informal) à travers (o) [general]
through (o) [means] (informal) moyennant (o) [means]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour through FR Traductions
behind [position] по́сле (adv adj n)
farther [position] да́льше (prep adv n)
across [position] сквозь (prap +akk)
completed [finished] законченный (adj)
throughout [via] наскво́зь (prep adv)
finished [completed] завершённый (adj)
done [completed] гото́вый (v n adj)
right [direct] правый (adj)
straight [direct] норма́льный (adj adv n)
on [part of speech] на (prap)
during [part of speech] в продолже́ние (prep)
upon [part of speech] (formal в