La recherche du mot form a 13 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
form (v) [constitute] former (v) [constitute]
form (v) [general] former (v) [general]
form (v) [objects] former (v) [objects]
form (v) [constitute] constituer (v) [constitute]
form (n v) [(intransitive) to take shape] se former (n v) [(intransitive) to take shape]
form (v) [develop] se former (v) [develop]
form (v) [Plasticine] modeler (v) [Plasticine]
form (n) [document] forme (n) {f} [document]
form (n) [general] forme (n) {f} [general]
form (n) [kind] forme (n) {f} [kind]
form (v) [Plasticine] façonner (v) [Plasticine]
form (v) [objects] façonner (v) [objects]
form (v) [constitute] composer (v) [constitute]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour form FR Traductions
organize [place] mettre en ordre
classify [place] mettre en ordre
systematize [place] systématiser
divide [place] diviser
order [place] ordre {m}
array [place] troupes en rangs {f}
arrange [place] adapter
physique [structure of the body] structure du corps {f}
shape [structure of the body] forme {f}
figure [structure of the body] figure {f}
skeleton [structure of the body] squelette {m}
anatomy [structure of the body] anatomie {f}
fashion [characteristic] (formal vogue {f}
garb [characteristic] (formal habit {m}
kind [characteristic] bon {m}
stamp [characteristic] trépigner
mode [characteristic] mode {m}
sort [characteristic] trier
style [characteristic] style {m}
cut [characteristic] entaille {f}