La recherche du mot fixed a 17 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
fixed (adj adj) [not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same] fixé (adj adj) [not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same]
fixed (a) [look] appuyé (a) [look]
fixed (a) [repaired] remis en état (a) [repaired]
fixed (a) [repaired] réparé (a) [repaired]
fixed (a) [time] préétabli (a) [time]
fixed (a) [look] insistant (a) [look]
fixed (a) [amount] accordé (a) [amount]
fixed (a) [position] ferme (a) {f} [position]
fixed (a) [time] fixé (a) [time]
fixed (a) [agreed upon] consenti (a) [agreed upon]
fixed (a) [attached] fixé (a) [attached]
fixed (a) [amount] fixé (a) [amount]
fixed (a) [amount] convenu (a) [amount]
fixed (a) [attached] attaché (a) {m} [attached]
fixed (a) [attached] lié (a) [attached]
fixed (a) [position] stable (a) [position]
fixed (a) [agreed upon] mis d'accord sur (a) [agreed upon]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour fixed FR Traductions
safe [state] コンドーム (kondōmu)
stable [state] 馬小屋 (n v adj)
fast [state] 早い
firm [state] 会社
certain [characteristic] とある (adj determiner)
absolute [manner] 独立した (adj n)
unqualified [manner] 無資格の (adj)
constant [determined] 定数 (adj n)
rigid [established] 固定された (adj)
fraudulent [rigged] 詐欺の (adj)