La recherche du mot despondent a 6 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
despondent (a) [downhearted] abattu (a) [downhearted]
despondent (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] abattu (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
despondent (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] découragé (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
despondent (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] déprimé (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
despondent (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] triste (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
despondent (a) [downhearted] affligé (a) [downhearted]

Anglais Français traductions