La recherche du mot chapter a 6 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
chapter (n v) [an administrative division of an organization] section (n v) {f} [an administrative division of an organization]
chapter (n v) [an administrative division of an organization] branche (n v) {f} [an administrative division of an organization]
chapter (n) [event] épisode (n) {m} [event]
chapter (n) [event] page (n) {f} [event]
chapter chapitre {m}
chapter (n) [books] chapitre (n) {m} [books]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour chapter FR Traductions
clause [section] zdanie podrzędne
stipulation [section] zastrzeżenie (n)
article [section] artykuł {m}
episode [serialized story] epizod {m}
part [serialized story] rozdzielać
section [serialized story] sekcja {f}
instalment [serialized story] odcinek {m}
line [excerpt] rubież {f}
quotation [excerpt] cytacja {f}
passage [excerpt] przejście {n}