Français Anglais
Christine de Tyr Saint Christina
Christine Keeler Christine Keeler
Christine Nilsson Christina Nilsson
Christine Pascal Christine Pascal
Christine Truman-Janes Christine Truman
Christine Witty Chris Witty
Christinsin Grey Johnson Crispin Grey-Johnson
Christkindel The infant Jesus
Christlich Soziale Partei Christian Social Party
Christmas pudding Christmas pudding
Christo et Jeanne-Claude Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Christoph Blocher Christoph Blocher
Christoph Cellarius Christoph Cellarius
Christoph Eschenbach Christoph Eschenbach
Christoph Martin Wieland Christoph Martin Wieland
Christoph Metzelder Christoph Metzelder
Christoph Preuß Christoph Preuß
Christoph Ransmayr Christoph Ransmayr
Christoph Schneider Christoph Schneider
Christoph Schubert Christoph Schubert
Christoph Schönborn Christoph Schönborn
Christoph von Dohnányi Christoph von Dohnányi
Christoph Willibald Gluck Christoph Willibald Gluck
Christophe Christopher
Christophe Arleston Christophe Arleston
Christophe Báthory Christopher Báthory
Christophe Clark Christoph Clark
Christophe Colomb Christopher Columbus
Christophe de Bavière Christopher of Bavaria
Christophe de Grèce Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark
Christophe de Lycie Saint Christopher
Christophe Edaleine Christope Edaleine
Christophe Ier de Danemark Christopher I of Denmark
Christophe II de Bade-Bade Christopher II of Denmark
Christophe II de Danemark Christopher II of Denmark
Christophe Lambert Christopher Lambert
Christophe Le Mével Christophe Le Mével
Christophe Louis Léon Juchault de Lamoricière Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière
Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière
Christophe Plantin Christoffel Plantijn
Christophe Rocancourt Christophe Rocancourt
Christopher Cross Christopher Cross
Christopher Dodd Christopher Dodd
Christopher Ferguson Christopher Ferguson
Christopher Franke Christopher Franke
Christopher Hansteen Christopher Hansteen
Christopher Higgins Christopher Higgins
Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Horner Chris Horner
Christopher Kelk Ingold Christopher Kelk Ingold
Christopher Latham Sholes Christopher Sholes
Christopher Lee Christopher Lee
Christopher Marlowe Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Meloni Christopher Meloni
Christopher Mordetsky Chris Mordetzky
Christopher Paolini Christopher Paolini
Christopher Pike Christopher Pike
Christopher Polhem Christopher Polhem
Christopher Priest Christopher Priest
Christopher Reeve Christopher Reeve
Christopher Sutton Christopher Sutton
Christopher Tolkien Christopher Tolkien
Christopher Walken Christopher Walken
Christopher Westra Stephen King
Christopher Wolstenholme Christopher Wolstenholme
Christopher Wren Christopher Wren
christophine chayote
Christophore Antipope Christopher
Christophorus Clavius Christopher Clavius
Christos Sartzetakis Christos Sartzetakis
Chrno crusade Chrono Crusade
Chrodegang de Metz Chrodegang of Metz
Chromate de potassium Potassium chromate
Chromatine Chromatin
chromatique chromatic
chromatographie chromatography
chromatographie en phase gazeuse gas chromatography
Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance High performance liquid chromatography
Chromatographie sur couche mince Thin layer chromatography
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Greenbottle blue tarantula
chromatophore chromatophore
chrome chromium
Chrome Hounds Chromehounds
chromer chrome
Chromis Chromis
Chromis atripectoralis Chromis atripectoralis
Chromis viridis Chromis viridis
Chromista Chromista
Chromobotia macracanthus Clown loach
chromosome chromosome