La recherche du mot création a 14 plusieurs résultats
FR Français RU Russe
création (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job] {f} труд (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job] (m)
création (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job] {f} рабо́та (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job] (n)
création (n) [act of creation] {f} созда́ние (n) [act of creation] (n conj)
création (n) [act of generating or begetting; procreation] {f} созда́ние (n) [act of generating or begetting; procreation] (n conj)
création (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] {f} творе́ние (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] (n conj)
FR Français RU Russe
création (n) [act of creation] {f} творе́ние (n) [act of creation] (n conj)
création (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] {f} творе́ние (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] (n conj)
création (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] {f} произведе́ние (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] (n v)
création (n) [creation] {f} родившаяся (n) [creation] (n)
création (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] {f} де́тище (n) [something created such as an invention or artwork] (n)
création (n) [act of creation] {f} созида́ние (n) [act of creation] (n)
création (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] {f} сотворе́ние (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] (n)
création (n) [act of creation] {f} сотворе́ние (n) [act of creation] (n)
création (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] {f} мирозда́ние (n) [(Biblical) all which exists] (n)
FR Synonymes pour création RU Traductions
fondation [formation] f фунда́мент (n v adj)
constitution [formation] f телосложе́ние (v n)
génération [formation] f поколе́ние (n v)
genèse [formation] f гене́зис (n)
commencement [formation] m исто́чник (n v)
origine [formation] f происхожде́ние (n v)
innovation [invention] f инновация
esprit [invention] m фанто́м (n v)
génie [invention] m ге́ний (n)
monde [nature] m свет (m)
univers [nature] m вселе́нная (n)
trouvaille [savoir] f нахо́дка (v n)
découverte [savoir] f открыва́ние (n)
raison [intelligence] f основа́ние (n v)
talent [intelligence] m одарённость {f} (odarjónnost')
cerveau [intelligence] m голова́ (n v)
pensée [intelligence] f размышле́ние (n)
tête [intelligence] f шля́пка (n v)
cervelle [intelligence] f мозги́ (n)
conception [intelligence] f прое́кт (n v)