La recherche du mot jour a 9 plusieurs résultats
FR Français PT Portugais
jour (n v) [light from the sun] {m} luz (n v) {f} [light from the sun]
jour {m} dia {m}
jour (n) [calendrier] {m} dia (n) {m} [calendrier]
jour (n v) [part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.] {m} dia (n v) {m} [part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.]
jour (n v) [period between sunrise and sunset] {m} dia (n v) {m} [period between sunrise and sunset]
jour (n v) [period from midnight to the following midnight] {m} dia (n v) {m} [period from midnight to the following midnight]
jour (n v) [period of time between sunrise and sunset] {m} dia (n v) {m} [period of time between sunrise and sunset]
jour (n v) [rotational period of a planet] {m} dia (n v) {m} [rotational period of a planet]
jour (n adj) [the time of daylight] {m} dia (n adj) {m} [the time of daylight]
FR Synonymes pour jour PT Traductions
côté [angle] m oldal
endroit [angle] m hely
face [angle] f lap
rapport [angle] m jelentés
luminosité [lumière] f felületi fényerősség
éclairage [lumière] m világítás
flamme [lumière] f láng
terme [temps] m szakkifejezés (n v)
année [temps] f tavaly
date [temps] f nap
heure [moment] f óra
époque [moment] f éra (n)
trou [creux] m fok
vide [creux] m üres
aube [aurore] f hajnal (v n)
matin [aurore] m reggel
journée [journée] f nap
temps [date] m idő
existence [naissance] f létezés
vie [naissance] (f] de famille [f élet