La recherche du mot idiot a 75 plusieurs résultats
FR Français PT Portugais
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} burro (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} maluco (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence] {m} imbecil (n v) {f} [person with poor judgement or little intelligence]
idiot (adj v) [not bright or intelligent] {m} imbecil (adj v) {f} [not bright or intelligent]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} imbecil (n) {f} [conduite - homme]
FR Français PT Portugais
idiot (n v) [an unintelligent person] {m} imbecil (n v) {f} [an unintelligent person]
idiot (adj n v) [Dull in understanding; slow of discernment] {m} obtuso (adj n v) [Dull in understanding; slow of discernment]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} burro (a) {m} [personne]
idiot (adj v) [extremely stupid] {m} burro (adj v) {m} [extremely stupid]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} burro (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} maluco (a) {m} [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} burro (a) {m} [absurde]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} limitado (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (adj n) [Very stupid] {m} sem (adj n) [Very stupid]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} besta (n) {f} [conduite - homme]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} farsista (a) [absurde]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} burlesco (a) [absurde]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} risível (a) [personne]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} risível (a) [commentaire]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} beócio (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom] {m} ingénuo (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom]
idiot (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence] {m} tolo (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence]
idiot (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] {m} tolo (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]
idiot (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom] {m} tolo (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom]
idiot (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors] {m} irresponsável (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors]
idiot (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors] {m} infantil (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} psicopata (a) {m} [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} psicótico (a) [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} risível (a) [absurde]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} cretino (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} pinel (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} cabeça-dura (n) {f} [conduite - homme]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} mentecapto (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} asinino (a) [commentaire]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} doente mental (a) [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} demente (a) [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} insano (a) [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} estúpido (a) {m} [personne]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} fátuo (a) [absurde]
idiot (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence] {m} idiota (n v) {m} [person with poor judgement or little intelligence]
idiot (adj v) [not bright or intelligent] {m} idiota (adj v) {m} [not bright or intelligent]
idiot (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] {m} idiota (adj) {m} [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} idiota (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} idiota (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (n v) [an unintelligent person] {m} idiota (n v) {m} [an unintelligent person]
idiot {m} idiota {m}
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} tonto (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot {m} bobo
idiot (adj v) [not bright or intelligent] {m} estúpido (adj v) {m} [not bright or intelligent]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} estúpido (n) {m} [conduite - homme]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} estúpido (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} estúpido (a) {m} [absurde]
idiot (n) [conduite - homme] {m} cabeça-oca (n) [conduite - homme] (informal)
idiot (a) [personne] {m} fátuo (a) [personne]
idiot (adj v) [not bright or intelligent] {m} fátuo (adj v) [not bright or intelligent]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} fátuo (a) [commentaire]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} ridículo (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (a) [psychiatrie] {m} louco (a) {m} [psychiatrie]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} louco (a) {m} [personne]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} louco (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} louco (a) {m} [absurde]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} insensato (a) [personne]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} insensato (a) [commentaire]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} insensato (a) [absurde]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} ridículo (a) {m} [personne]
idiot (n v) [a silly person] {m} bobo (n v) [a silly person]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} ridículo (a) {m} [absurde]
idiot (a) [personne] {m} absurdo (a) {m} [personne]
idiot (a) [commentaire] {m} absurdo (a) {m} [commentaire]
idiot (a) [absurde] {m} absurdo (a) {m} [absurde]
idiot (adj n) [playful, giggly] {m} bobo (adj n) [playful, giggly]
idiot (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence] {m} bobo (n v) [person with poor judgement or little intelligence]
idiot (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors] {m} bobo (adj n) [irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors]
idiot (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom] {m} bobo (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom]
idiot {m} tolo
FR Synonymes pour idiot PT Traductions
stupide [insensé] tolo
illogique [insensé] ilógico
incohérent [insensé] fissíparo (adj)
irrationnel [insensé] pirado
aberrant [insensé] aberrante
saugrenu [insensé] excêntrico {m}
extravagant [insensé] extravagante
déraisonnable [insensé] gastador {m}
fou [insensé] m bobo
ridicule [insensé] m ridículo {m}
grotesque [insensé] m grotesco {m}
inepte [insensé] incompetente {m}
absurde [insensé] absurdo {m}
sot [bête] m tolo
imbécile [bête] m imbecil {f}
crétin [bête] m mula {f}
ahuri [bête] estarrecido
balourd [bête] m ribaldo (adj n)
ballot [bête] m fardo {m}
andouille [bête] f mula {f}