FR PT Français Portugais traductions pour cynique
La recherche du mot cynique a 6 plusieurs résultats
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FR | Français | PT | Portugais | |
cynique (n) [conduite - femme] {f} | cínica (n) {f} [conduite - femme] | |||
cynique (adj n) [A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness] {f} | cínico (adj n) {m} [A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness] | |||
cynique (adj n) [A person whose outlook is scornfully negative] {f} | cínico (adj n) {m} [A person whose outlook is scornfully negative] | |||
cynique (a) [conduite] {f} | cínico (a) {m} [conduite] | |||
cynique (n) [conduite - homme] {f} | cínico (n) {m} [conduite - homme] | |||
cynique (adj) [of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness] {f} | cínico (adj) {m} [of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness] |
FR | Synonymes pour cynique | PT | Traductions | |
impudent [effronté] | sinvergüenza {m} | |||
outrecuidant [effronté] | soberbio | |||
présomptueux [effronté] | satisfecho de sí mismo | |||
éhonté [effronté] | sin | |||
audacieux [effronté] | osado | |||
immoral [impudent] | malo | |||
brutal [impudent] | infrahumano | |||
débauché [impudent] | libertino {m} | |||
effronté [impudent] | atrevido {m} | |||
libertin [impudent] m | libertino {m} | |||
scabreux [impudent] | escabroso |