La recherche du mot a qual a 10 plusieurs résultats
PT Portugais FR Français
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.] que (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.] que (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.] que (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.]
a qual (pronoun) [relative pronoun] que (pronoun) [relative pronoun]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.] ce qui (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.] ce qui (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.] ce qui (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.] qui (o) [pron. relativo - objeto direto - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.] qui (o) [pron. relativo - substitutivo - sing.]
a qual (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.] qui (o) [pron. relativo - sujeito - sing.]

PT FR Traductions pour a

a (prep adj) [in the direction of] vers (prep adj) {m} [in the direction of]
a (prep adv adj n) [indicates a means] par (prep adv adj n) {m} [indicates a means]
a le
a (article adv) [article] le (article adv) [article]
a (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] le (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
a la
a (article adv) [article] la (article adv) [article]
a (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] la (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
a les
a (article adv) [article] les (article adv) [article]

PT FR Traductions pour qual

qual (conj determiner pronoun adv) [which] que (conj determiner pronoun adv) [which]
qual (conj determiner pronoun adv) [which] qui (conj determiner pronoun adv) [which]
qual (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones] quel (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones]
qual (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied] quel (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied]
qual (a) [determinante interrogativo - sing.] quel (a) [determinante interrogativo - sing.]
qual (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] quel (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
qual (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied] quelle (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied]
qual (a) [determinante interrogativo - sing.] quelle (a) [determinante interrogativo - sing.]
qual (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] lesquels (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]
qual (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] lesquelles (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]