La recherche du mot pustka a 5 plusieurs résultats
PL Polonais FR Français
pustka (adj n v) [An empty space; a vacuum] {f} vide (adj n v) {m} [An empty space; a vacuum]
pustka (n) [the state or feeling of being empty] {f} vide (n) {m} [the state or feeling of being empty]
pustka (n) [the state or feeling of being empty] {f} vacuité (n) {f} [the state or feeling of being empty]
pustka (adj n v) [An empty space; a vacuum] {f} néant (adj n v) {m} [An empty space; a vacuum]
pustka (n) [the state or feeling of being empty] {f} néant (n) {m} [the state or feeling of being empty]

Polonais Français traductions

PL Synonymes pour pustka FR Traductions
dzicz [pustkowie] f целина́ (n)
pustkowie [pustkowie] n целина́ (n)