FR NL Français Néerlandais traductions pour appât
La recherche du mot appât a 6 plusieurs résultats
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FR | Français | NL | Néerlandais | |
appât (n v) [substance used in catching fish] {m} | aas (n v) {n} [substance used in catching fish] | |||
appât (n) [attrait] {m} | lokaas (n) {n} [attrait] | |||
appât (n v) [substance used in catching fish] {m} | lokaas (n v) {n} [substance used in catching fish] | |||
appât (n) [attrait] {m} | lokmiddel (n) {n} [attrait] | |||
appât (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger] {m} | afleiding (n v) {f} [person or object meant to lure something to danger] | |||
appât (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger] {m} | lokvogel (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger] (n v) |
FR | Synonymes pour appât | NL | Traductions | |
leurre [amorce] m | afleiding {f} | |||
mouche [amorce] f | vlieg {m} | |||
cuiller [amorce] f | lepel {m} | |||
piège [amorce] m | boobytrap {m} | |||
tromperie [amorce] f | bedrieglijkheid (n) | |||
larve [ver] f | larf (n v) | |||
asticot [ver] m | made {m} | |||
beauté [charme] f | schone (n int adv) | |||
attrait [charme] m | prettigheid {f} | |||
sex-appeal [charme] m | sex-appeal {n} | |||
grâce [charme] f | genade {m} | |||
traquenard [leurre] m | val {m} | |||
filet [leurre] m | haasbiefstuk {m} | |||
collet [leurre] m | val {m} | |||
chausse-trape [leurre] | kraaienpoot (n) | |||
lacet [leurre] m | schoenveter (n) | |||
ratière [leurre] f | doos {m} | |||
souricière [leurre] f | val {m} | |||
désir [envie] m | begeerte {f} | |||
fascination [envie] f | fascinatie {f} |