Français Néerlandais
stoïcisme stoïcisme
stoïque stoïcijn
STP Twisted pair
strabisme blik
Strabon Strabo
Straddle Straddle
stradivarius Stradivarius
Straight edge Straight edge
Strakonice Strakonice
Stralsund Stralsund
Stramoine Datura
Strange Days Strange Days
strangulation wurging
Stranraer Football Club Stranraer FC
Strasbourg Straatsburg
Strasburgo Straatsburg
Strassen Strassen
stratagème truc
strate laag
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
Stratford Stratford
Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon
stratification gelaagdheid
Stratification sociale Sociale stratificatie
stratifier in lagen aanbrengen
stratifié gelaagd
Stratigraphie Stratigrafie
Stratocumulus Stratocumulus
Stratopause Stratopauze
stratosphère stratosfeer
Stratovarius Stratovarius
stratovolcan stratovulkaan
stratum basale kiemlaag
stratum germinativum kiemlaag
stratège strateeg
stratégie strategie
Stratégie de Lisbonne Lissabonstrategie
Stratégies génériques de Porter Typologie van Porter
stratégique strategisch
stratégiquement strategisch
Straubing Straubing
Strausberg Strausberg
Strauss Strauss
Stray Gators The Stray Gators
Strazeele Strazele
Stream Control Transmission Protocol Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Stream Of Passion Stream of Passion
Streaming Streaming media
Streaming SIMD Extensions SSE
Streaming Soundtracks Streaming Soundtracks
Streator Streator
Street art Street art
Street dance Streetdance
Street Dancers You Got Served
Street Fighter Street Fighter
Strelitzia Strelitzia
Strelitzia reginae Paradijsvogelbloem
Strelitziaceae Strelitziaceae
Streltsy Streltsy
Strengelbach Strengelbach
Strepsiptera Waaiervleugelige
Strepsirrhini Halfapen
Streptococcus pneumoniae Pneumokok
Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcus pyogenes
streptocoque streptokok
streptomycine streptomycine
stress stress
stressant zwaar
stressé gespannen
Stretching Stretching
strict juist
strictement nauwkeurig
Striction Insnoering
stridence schrilheid
strident schel
strie streep