La recherche du mot se rendre a 6 plusieurs résultats
FR Français JA Japonais
se rendre (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] 放棄する (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] (v n adv)
se rendre (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] 降服する (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] (v n)
se rendre (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] 投降する (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] (v n)
se rendre (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] 自首する (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] (v n)
se rendre (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] 譲渡する (v n) [intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another] (v n)
se rendre (v n) [to give as required] 譲る (v n) [to give as required] (v n)

FR JA Traductions pour se

se (pronoun determiner) [one] 貴方 (pronoun determiner) [one] (n)
se (pronoun determiner) [one] (pronoun determiner) [one] (n)
se (pronoun) [the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun] 彼ら自身 (pronoun) [the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun] (pronoun)
se (pronoun determiner) [one] お前 (pronoun determiner) [one] (pronoun v n)
se (pronoun determiner) [one] 貴様 (pronoun determiner) [one] (pronoun determiner)

FR JA Traductions pour rendre

rendre (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] 吐く (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] (haku)
rendre (v n) [to give something back to its original holder or owner] 戻す (v n) [to give something back to its original holder or owner] (v n)
rendre (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] 戻す (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] (v n)
rendre (v) [return] 返す (v) [return] (v n)
rendre (v n) [to give something back to its original holder or owner] 返す (v n) [to give something back to its original holder or owner] (v n)
rendre (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] 嘔吐する (v n) [to regurgitate the contents of a stomach] (v n)
FR Synonymes pour se rendre JA Traductions
courir [mouvement] 走る (hashiru)
conduire [mouvement] ドライブする (v n)
mener [mouvement] 行う (n v)
passer [mouvement] 立ち寄る (v)
rentrer [mouvement] 戻る (adj adv n v)
s'étendre [mouvement] 広がる (n)
marcher [mouvement] 動く (v n)
venir [mouvement] 射精する (prep conj n v)
aller [mouvement] 通る (v n)
plier [capituler] 畳む (n v)
s'incliner [capituler] お辞儀する (n v)
abandonner [capituler] 放棄する (v n adv)
abdiquer [capituler] 退位する (v)
renoncer [capituler] 放棄する (v n adv)
se soumettre [capituler] 守る (v)
céder [capituler] 譲歩する (v)
se transformer [état] 変わる (kawaru)
se faire [état] やる (yaru)
devenir [état] なる (...-ni naru)
se promener [aller] 散歩する (n v)