La recherche du mot 群れ a 12 plusieurs résultats
JA Japonais FR Français
群れ (n v) [group of birds] groupe (n v) {m} [group of birds]
群れ (v n) [a company of persons] bande (v n) {f} [a company of persons]
群れ (n v) [group of birds] bande (n v) {f} [group of birds]
群れ (n v) [group of birds] vol (n v) {m} [group of birds]
群れ (n) [large group of birds] vol (n) {m} [large group of birds]
群れ (n v) [a group of fish] banc (n v) {m} [a group of fish]
群れ (n v) [group of sheep or goats] troupeau (n v) {m} [group of sheep or goats]
群れ (n v adj) [quantity of anything produced in one operation] lot (n v adj) {m} [quantity of anything produced in one operation]
群れ (n v) [group of birds] nuée (n v) {f} [group of birds]
群れ (n v) [large number of insects] essaim (n v) {m} [large number of insects]
群れ (n v) [group of objects suspended above the ground or flying] nuage (n v) {m} [group of objects suspended above the ground or flying]
群れ (v n) [a company of persons] gang (v n) {f} [a company of persons]