La recherche du mot 怒鳴る a 5 plusieurs résultats
JA Japonais FR Français
怒鳴る (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] (v n) jurer (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
怒鳴る (v n) [to make loud, deep cry of emotion] (v n) rugir (v n) [to make loud, deep cry of emotion]
怒鳴る (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] (v n) gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
怒鳴る (n v) [to talk with a loud, threatening voice] (v n) tonitruer (n v) [to talk with a loud, threatening voice]
怒鳴る (n v) [transitive: say something with a loud, threatening voice] (v n) tonitruer (n v) [transitive: say something with a loud, threatening voice]