La recherche du mot trombare a 20 plusieurs résultats
IT Italien FR Français
trombare (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with] foutre (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with]
trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] enconner (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
trombare enconner
trombare (v) [to fail] louper (v) [to fail]
trombare (n v) [coarse slang: have sexual intercourse] emmancher (n v) [coarse slang: have sexual intercourse]
trombare (v n) [to have sexual intercourse] faire l'amour (v n) [to have sexual intercourse]
trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] niquer (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
trombare (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with] niquer (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with]
trombare niquer
trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] foutre (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
trombare (v) [vento] gémir (v) [vento]
trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] fourrer (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
trombare (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with] fourrer (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with]
trombare (n v) [coarse slang: have sexual intercourse] fourrer (n v) [coarse slang: have sexual intercourse]
trombare fourrer
trombare (n v) [to have sexual intercourse with] coucher (n v) {m} [to have sexual intercourse with]
trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] baiser (v n int adv) {m} [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
trombare baiser {m}
trombare (v) [vento] mugir (v) [vento]
trombare (v) [vento] hurler (v) [vento]