La recherche du mot scoria a 8 plusieurs résultats
IT Italien FR Français
scoria (n v) [layer of impurities] {f} crasse (n v) {f} [layer of impurities]
scoria (n v) [layer of impurities] {f} couche (n v) {f} [layer of impurities]
scoria (n v) [layer of impurities] {f} écume (n v) {f} [layer of impurities]
scoria (n v) [layer of impurities] {f} mousse (n v) {f} [layer of impurities]
scoria (n) [metallurgia] {f} scories (n) {f} [metallurgia]
scoria (n) [metallurgia] {f} crasses (n) {f} [metallurgia]
scoria {f} scorie
scoria (n v) [the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore] {f} scorie (n v) [the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore]

Italien Français traductions

IT Synonymes pour scoria FR Traductions
rifiuto [scarto] m refus {m}
avanzo [scarto] m souscription (v n adj)
residuo [frammento] m résidu {m}
resto [frammento] m monnaie {f}
scheggia [frammento] f fragment {m}
rovina [frammento] f perte {f}
relitto [frammento] m navire {m}
rottame [frammento] m épave humaine {f}
tritume [lolla] m poussière {f}
pula [lolla] f balle {f}
rimanente [avanzo] m restant {m}
restante [avanzo] autre
rimanenza [avanzo] f reste {m}
scarto [avanzo] m écart {m}