La recherche du mot monter a 47 plusieurs résultats
FR Français IT Italien
monter (v n) [to ascend, to go up] arrampicare (v n) [to ascend, to go up]
monter (v) [cinématographie] montare (v) [cinématographie]
monter (v) [construction] montare (v) [construction]
monter (v) [diamant] montare (v) [diamant]
monter (v) [photographie] montare (v) [photographie]
monter (v) [technique] montare (v) [technique]
monter (v) [tente] montare (v) [tente]
monter (v) [direction] innalzarsi (v) [direction]
monter (v) [direction] aumentare vertiginosamente (v) [direction]
monter (v) [cheval] cavalcare (v) [cheval]
monter (n v) [to total or evaluate] ammontare (n v) {m} [to total or evaluate]
monter (v) [diamant] incastonare (v) [diamant]
monter (v) [cheval] montare (v) [cheval]
monter (v) [montagne] scalare (v) [montagne]
monter (v n) [to ascend, to go up] scalare (v n) [to ascend, to go up]
monter (v) [escalier] salire per (v) [escalier]
monter (v) [escalier] andare su per (v) [escalier]
monter (v) [montagne] arrampicarsi su (v) [montagne]
monter (v) [prix] arrampicarsi (v) [prix]
monter (v) [route] arrampicarsi (v) [route]
monter (v) [construction] mettere insieme (v) [construction]
monter (v) [technique] mettere insieme (v) [technique]
monter (v) [augmentation] andare su (v) [augmentation]
monter (v) [tension] andare su (v) [tension]
monter (v) [prix] salire (v) [prix]
monter (v) [escalier] aumentare (v) [escalier]
monter (v) [prix] aumentare (v) [prix]
monter (v) [route] aumentare (v) [route]
monter (v) [tension] aumentare (v) [tension]
monter (v) [construction] assemblare (v) [construction]
monter (v) [technique] assemblare (v) [technique]
monter (v) [augmentation] accrescere (v) [augmentation]
monter (v) [tension] accrescere (v) [tension]
monter (n v) [To move upwards] salire (n v) [To move upwards]
monter (v) [augmentation] salire (v) [augmentation]
monter (v) [escalier] salire (v) [escalier]
monter (v) [augmentation] aumentare (v) [augmentation]
monter (v) [route] salire (v) [route]
monter (v) [tension] salire (v) [tension]
monter (v) [to move upwards] salire (v) [to move upwards]
monter (v) [appareil électrique] alzare (v) [appareil électrique]
monter (v) [théâtre] mettere in scena (v) [théâtre]
monter (v) [théâtre] allestire (v) [théâtre]
monter (v) [théâtre] rappresentare (v) [théâtre]
monter (v) [théâtre] eseguire (v) [théâtre]
monter (v) [tente] piantare (v) [tente] (informal)
monter (n v) [To move upwards] sorgere (n v) [To move upwards]