La recherche du mot लिंग a 6 plusieurs résultats
HI Hindi FR Français
लिंग (n v) [grammar: division of nouns and pronouns] {m} (liṅg) genre (n v) {m} [grammar: division of nouns and pronouns]
लिंग (n v) [biological sex of persons or animals] {m} (liṅg) sexe (n v) {m} [biological sex of persons or animals]
लिंग (n v) [gender (female or male)] {m} (liṅg) sexe (n v) {m} [gender (female or male)]
लिंग {m} (liṅg) membre {m}
लिंग {m} (liṅg) pénis {m}
लिंग {m} (liṅg) bite {f}