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piquer (v n) [to steal] raptar (v n) [to steal]
piquer (n v) [to creep] moverse con sigilo (n v) [to creep] (n v)
piquer (v n) [steal] mangar (v n) [steal]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] trufar (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v) [objets] punzar (v) [objets]
piquer (v) [insectes] punzar (v) [insectes]
piquer (v) [sensation physique] sentir hormigueo (v) [sensation physique]
piquer (v) [vêtements] coser (v) [vêtements]
piquer (v) [crime] escamotear (v) [crime]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] escamotear (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v) [crime] ratear (v) [crime]
piquer (v) [crime] sisar (v) [crime]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] birlar (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v n) [steal] hurtar (v n) [steal]
piquer (v) [crime] hurtar (v) [crime]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] hurtar (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] estafar (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] petardear (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]
piquer (v adj n) [to hurt or sting] escocer (v adj n) [to hurt or sting]
piquer (v) [sensation mentale] despertar (v) {m} [sensation mentale]
piquer (v) [objets] pinchar (v) [objets]
piquer (v) [médecine] pinchar (v) [médecine]
piquer (v) [insectes] pinchar (v) [insectes]
piquer (v n) [steal] robar (v n) [steal]
piquer (v) [crime] robar (v) [crime]
piquer (v n) [to sting] picar (v n) [to sting]
piquer (v) [sensation physique] picar (v) [sensation physique]
piquer (v) [objets] picar (v) [objets]
piquer (v) [insectes] picar (v) [insectes]
piquer (v) [sensation mentale] suscitar (v) [sensation mentale]
piquer (v) [rapace] calarse (v) [rapace]
piquer (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")] timar (v) [(ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")]