La recherche du mot leurre a 7 plusieurs résultats
FR Français ES Espagnol
leurre (n v) [animal used by hunters to lure game] {m} señuelo (n v) {m} [animal used by hunters to lure game]
leurre (n) [appât] {m} señuelo (n) {m} [appât]
leurre (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger] {m} señuelo (n v) {m} [person or object meant to lure something to danger]
leurre (n) [appât] {m} reclamo (n) {m} [appât]
leurre (n) [appât] {m} cimbel (n) {m} [appât]
leurre (n v) [animal used by hunters to lure game] {m} carnada (n v) [animal used by hunters to lure game]
leurre (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger] {m} carnada (n v) [person or object meant to lure something to danger]
FR Synonymes pour leurre ES Traductions
amorce [appât] f detonador {m}
manne [appât] f maná {m}
mouche [amorce] f mosca {f}
cuiller [amorce] f cuchara {f}
piège [amorce] m trampa {f}
tromperie [amorce] f engaño {m}
appât [amorce] m carnada
duperie [plaisanterie] f deshonestidad {f}
farce [plaisanterie] f farsa {f}
blague [plaisanterie] f chiste {m}
niche [plaisanterie] f perrera {f}
tour [plaisanterie] m ciclo {m}
bateau [plaisanterie] m nave {f}
supercherie [tromperie] f engaño {m}
tricherie [tromperie] f triquiñuela
fourberie [tromperie] f astucia {f}
perfidie [tromperie] f falta de sinceridad {f}
illusion [rêve] f ficción {f}
espérance [rêve] f esperanza {f}