La recherche du mot hacia allá a 4 plusieurs résultats
ES Espagnol FR Français
hacia allá (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither] (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither]
hacia allá (adv) [to that place] (adv) [to that place]
hacia allá (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither] y (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither]
hacia allá (adv) [to that place] d’ici là (adv) [to that place] (adv)

ES FR Traductions pour hacia

hacia (prep adj) [located near] près de (prep adj) [located near]
hacia (o) [conexión] concernant (o) [conexión]
hacia (o) [general] vers (o) {m} [general]
hacia (prep adj) [in the direction of] vers (prep adj) {m} [in the direction of]
hacia (conj prep) [in the direction of: marks a point one is going toward] vers (conj prep) {m} [in the direction of: marks a point one is going toward]
hacia (o) [posición] vers (o) {m} [posición]
hacia (o) [tiempo] vers (o) {m} [tiempo]
hacia (o) [conexión] à l'égard de (o) [conexión]
hacia (prep) [against, next to, near, towards] jusqu'à (prep) [against, next to, near, towards]
hacia (conj prep) [towards] pour (conj prep) [towards]

ES FR Traductions pour allá

allá (o) [destino] (o) [destino]
allá (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
allá (o) [lugar] (o) [lugar]
allá (o) [destino] là-bas (o) [destino]
allá (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] là-bas (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
allá (o) [lugar] là-bas (o) [lugar]
allá (o) [lugar] à cet endroit (o) [lugar]
allá (o) [lugar] voici (o) [lugar]
allá (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] y (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]