La recherche du mot disimular a 18 plusieurs résultats
ES Espagnol FR Français
disimular (v) [engaño] feindre (v) [engaño]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] mettre sous le boisseau (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] (n v)
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] occulter (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] celer (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] passer sous silence (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] taire (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (v) [engaño] jouer la comédie (v) [engaño]
disimular (v) [engaño] faire semblant (v) [engaño]
disimular (v) [engaño] simuler (v) [engaño]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] couvrir (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] étouffer (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (v) [engaño] prétendre (v) [engaño]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] enterrer (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] dissimuler (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (v) [sentimiento] dissimuler (v) [sentimiento]
disimular (v) [engaño] dissimuler (v) [engaño]
disimular (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal] cacher (n v) [to put under cover, to sheal]
disimular (v) [sentimiento] cacher (v) [sentimiento]

Espagnol Français traductions

ES Synonymes pour disimular FR Traductions
representar [fingir] jelöl (v)
tapar [ocultar] becsuk
reservar [ocultar] lefoglal
callar [ocultar] zajtalan (adj n)
disfrazar [encubrir] álcáz (n v)
ocultar [esconder] elrejt (v)
proteger [esconder] védeni
colaborar [esconder] kollaborál (v)
encubrir [esconder] tisztára mos (n v)
velar [camuflar] gondoz (v)
engañar [aparentar] bolondít (n v)
mentir [engañar] hazudik
aguantar [tolerar] kitart (v)
soportar [tolerar] elvisel
sufrir [tolerar] elvisel
admitir [tolerar] beenged (v)
resistir [tolerar] elvisel
esconder [callar] elrejt (v)